June 27th, 2023
based on my PhD thesis
“The costs of services that follow from a quality, intensity and price level of treatment that the sponsor considers to be acceptable to be subsidized.” (Van de Ven and Ellis, 2000)
Two extremes:
Q: which is more health based?
🇳🇱: Y = actual expenditures with average prices for some services
“The REF equation should only include parameters which equalize cost differences in health status of an insured as a consequence of differences in age, gender and other objective measures of health status.” (Health Insurance Decree:389, p.23)
Compensation for S(olidarity)-type groups
No compensation for
N(on-solidarity)-type groups
\[ \begin{aligned} Y &= f(S,N) + u \\ &= S \alpha + N \gamma + u \\ &= \sum_{l=1}^L S_l \alpha_l + \sum_{m=1}^M N_m \gamma_m + u \end{aligned} \]
Define \(v := N \gamma + u\) and rewrite \[ \begin{aligned} Y &= S \alpha + N \gamma + u \iff \\ Y &= S \alpha + v \end{aligned} \]
\[ \begin{aligned} \implies \hat{\alpha} &= (S'S)^{-1}S'Y \\ &= (S'S)^{-1}S'(S \alpha + v) \\ &= \alpha + (S'S)^{-1}S'N\gamma + (S'S)^{-1}S'u \end{aligned} \]
\[ \implies E[\hat{\alpha} | S,N ] = \alpha \iff \begin{aligned} \begin{cases} S'N = 0 \\ \gamma = 0 \end{cases} \end{aligned} \]
Schokkaert and Van de Voorde () recommend a 2-step method:
The formula then reads as follows:
\[ \hat{Y} = S \hat{\alpha} + \overline{N} \hat{\gamma} \] with \(\overline{N}\) being a row i/o matrix.
In practice, we apply this equation:
\[Y = X \beta + \epsilon\]
and try to extend \(X\) with as much (measurable) S-type variables as possible.
Traditional OLS:
OLS w/ risk equalization:
Definition: insurers are retrospectively reimbursed for some of the costs of some of their insurance members (Van de Ven and Ellis 2000)
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